Butterflies & Moths

Butterflies & Moths Run Slideshow

Does anyone actually get butterflies in their stomach? Of course not – but in Butterflies & Moths, kids will get a kick out of learning how these insects have influenced human life in other ways over the centuries. They’ll study how the silk moth spins its coveted thread (which led to the creation of the first ancient trade route, the Silk Road), and see how butterflies have enchanted everyone from opera composers to philosophers. However, the main attraction in this issue is the detailed examination of metamorphosis, for kids. They’ll enjoy a colorful spread on the various stages of metamorphosis; for kids enthralled by Nature’s incredible feats, following a butterfly from egg to caterpillar to winged wonder will be a treat.

See why butterflies and moths are experts at self-defense: Their stingers, poisons, smells, dodging skills and ability to camouflage themselves are critical to how they’ve been able to stick around more than 130 million years. Another strategy for survival that gets a close look is migration; in particular, the lengthy trek of Monarchs, which actually travel south via a kind of parent-to-child relay race that includes a pit stop for metamorphosis. Kids will also survey butterfly habitats and get tips on how to build their own enchanting butterfly gardens.

Does anyone actually get butterflies in their stomach? Of course not – but in Butterflies & Moths, kids will get a kick out of learning how these insects have influenced ...
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