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10-Pack Greece’s Golden Age

SKU: 239-B

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What’s inside:

  • Clash of Civilizations
  • The Golden Age of Athens
  • Greek Teaching and Learning
  • Greek Arts and Architecture
  • The Peloponnesian War
  • Alexander Builds an Empire
  • Greece’s Legacy



10-Pack Greece’s Golden Age

Long ago, the great thinkers, politicians, and artists of ancient Greece came up with many ideas and art forms we still know today. From democracy to architecture to science and more, the Golden Age of Greece left a lasting mark on Western civilization. Ready to explore the foundations of modern ideals? For kids studying ancient Greece, Kids Discover Greece’s Golden Age offers a fascinating narrative of the role ideas and values play in a developing culture. First, kids get an overview of Athens and Sparta – key Greek city-states – and how they banded together with other city-states to fend off Persia. Then they are introduced to leaders like Cleisthenes and Pericles who established a democracy in Greece, laying the foundation for our own form of government.

Kids who want details about other ways Greece has influenced modern times can read profiles of Hippocrates, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, and others. Kids fascinated by architecture will enjoy the images and text about the Parthenon and other important sites in ancient Greece. Those who have heard about Alexander the Great can read about how he achieved power, expanded the empire, and helped keep the legacy of Greek culture, architecture, mathematics, and astronomy alive for hundreds of years after his death.