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10-Pack Christianity and the Legacies of Rome

SKU: 236-B

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What’s inside:

  • Religions in Rome
  • The Jewish People Under Roman Rule
  • Christianity’s Beginnings
  • Christianity Catches On in Rome
  • The Decline of the Roman Empire
  • Christianity and the Two Empires
  • Rome’s Legacies



10-Pack Christianity and the Legacies of Rome

As an empire, Rome’s expansive reach stretched far and wide across the ancient world. Its rise and fall resembled a rollercoaster ride – bumps on the way up and the way down. Hop on for the ride of a lifetime! For kids interested in ancient history, Kids Discover Christianity and the Legacies of Rome chronicles a colorful landscape of people and religions in competition. First, kids get an overview of the interplay between the Greek and Roman gods and Rome’s growing conflict with Jews. Kids interested in the beginnings of Christianity will find a wealth of information about how it started as a sect, or division, of Judaism and spread to become the world’s largest religion.

Kids who want more details about the demise of the Roman Empire will want to study the clear maps and detailed captions, which tell the story of how the Berbers from Africa, the Goths from Germany, and the Persians from the Middle East helped pull the Empire apart. Kids fascinated by historical struggles will want to read how, in the end, the empire convulsed – dividing into west and east, uniting and then dividing again, this time permanently. The issue concludes with an apt denouement about Rome’s legacies in language, science, government and law, and art.