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10-Pack American Government
Today, we pretty much take our government for granted, from the Congress to the courts to the presidency. Yet, these institutions – and the interplay among them – is the result of some very careful thinking laid out in the United States Constitution. Ready to look behind the scenes at what makes it all work? For kids studying American government, Kids Discover American Government offers a compelling narrative about how our government functions. First, kids get an overview of the executive, the legislative, and the judicial branches, and the balance of power at the federal level. Then they are introduced to state and local governments, including their structure and responsibilities.
Kids who want more details about politics will enjoy exploring how candidates get elected and the requirements for holding different government offices. Kids fascinated by current events and recent history will find captivating photos of contemporary office holders and images of primary-source materials, such as newspaper headlines. Kids also have an opportunity to read about the responsibilities of citizens in a democracy, including the responsibility to vote and to be a good citizen by obeying laws and paying taxes. Plus, kids are introduced to John F. Kennedy and the concept of civic virtue he expressed in his 1961 inaugural address.