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20th Century America

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What’s inside:

Titles in this Set:

  • Postwar Change and Growth
  • Teddy Roosevelt
  • Wright Brothers
  • Suffragists
  • Immigration
  • Ellis Island
  • Great Depression
  • Mid-20th Century
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Civil Rights
  • American Government
  • How America Works


20th Century America

Following the Civil War, it was time to rebuild. The era of Reconstruction in America had begun, but not without its lingering conflicts and tensions. Discover key figures like President Teddy Roosevelt and Susan B. Anthony, both of whom helped shape the course American society in the early 20th century. With waves of immigrants pouring through Ellis Island, the U.S. population exploded, and a brief period of wealth and prosperity was following by the Great Depression. Finally, learn about the Civil Rights movement, and gain an overview of America’s government, a democratic republic.

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