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Ancient China

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What’s inside:

  • The Chinese Dynasties
  • Ancient Chinese Society
  • How the Rich and the Poor Lived
  • Celebrating the Chinese New Year
  • The Compass and Other Chinese Inventions
  • The Great Wall and Other Engineering Feats
  • Legacies of Ancient China



Ancient China

Noodles, fireworks, silk, and kites – where would we be without these much-loved inventions? We have ancient China to thank, kids will discover, for these and many more innovations that we take for granted. People talk a lot these days about China’s economic might, but the reality is that China has always been a hotbed of invention, and up until just 100 years ago, it was a powerful and extremely far-reaching empire whose roots stretched back thousands of years. In this issue, kids will read about the major dynasties of the Chinese Empire and find out what life was like for everyone on the ladder of Chinese society, from royals to peasants. They’ll also learn about the many festivals that enliven Chinese life, and about the colorful Chinese lunar calendar.

Details on the many advances of ancient China, for kids, just keep coming: Learn how paper was invented and how silkworms are raised, and get the story on China’s unique contributions to medicine, the martial arts, cooking, and art. And we can’t forget about the empire’s most memorable contribution, and the only man-made structure that can be seen from space: the Great Wall. And let’s not forget the terra-cotta Xian Warriors and the Grand Canal: just two more massive building feats to add to the list of the glories of Ancient China. For kids who want to practice their chopstick skills, there are helpful tips at the end of this tour of all things Chinese, along with recipes for a Chinese feast!

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