Exploración del continente americano

Exploración del continente americano Run Slideshow

Now available in Spanish! What would you be willing to risk in exchange for wealth, fame, and adventure? If you were a European explorer from the mid-15th to the mid-16th century, the risk might be danger, disease, or drowning. Ready to set sail with these brave souls and participate in a drama that changed the world forever? For kids interested in the key actors in the drama, Kids Discover Exploring the Americas is replete with details about the what, when, and where of their exploits. The “who” includes well-known players such as Christopher Columbus and Hernando Cortés as well as Vespucci, Verrazzano, and many more.
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¿Qué estarías dispuesto a arriesgar a cambio de riqueza, fama y aventuras? Si fuera un explorador europeo desde mediados del siglo XV hasta mediados del siglo XVI, el riesgo podría ser peligro, enfermedad o ahogamiento. ¿Listo para zarpar con estas almas valientes y participar en un drama que cambió el mundo para siempre? Para los niños interesados ​​en los actores clave del drama, Kids Discover Exploring the Americas está repleto de detalles sobre qué, cuándo y dónde de sus hazañas. El “quién” incluye jugadores conocidos como Cristóbal Colón y Hernando Cortés, así como Vespucci, Verrazzano y muchos más.

Now available in Spanish! What would you be willing to risk in exchange for wealth, fame, and adventure? If you were a European explorer from the mid-15th to the mid-16th ...
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