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G5 Social Studies Set
Normally priced at $149.70, special Introductory Pricing of $64.95! Perfect for your Grade 5 Classroom, this 30-Title Social Studies pack helps address core concepts in a visually-rich and engaging magazine format. Each issue is 20-pages in length, contains zero advertising, and is packed with beautiful photographs, illustrations, and non-fiction writing that will peek the interest of your young learners.
Titles in this set include:
America 1492, American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin, Civil Rights, Declaration of Independence, Early Settlements, Exploring the Americas, George Washington, Immigration, Industrial Revolution, Lewis and Clark, Northwest Coast Peoples, Pioneers, Plains Indians, Regions of North America, Revolutionary Women, The Constitution, Thirteen Colonies, Thomas Jefferson, Westward Expansion, American Government, Civil War, Inventions, Postwar Change and Growth, Suffragists, Teddy Roosevelt, The Great Depression, The U.S. in Mid Century, Underground Railroad, and The New Nation