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It’s microbe madness! What are these tiny critters that live in, on, and around us, and outnumber the cells of the human body 100 to 1? Microbes, for kids, peers into this microscopic world of invisible creatures that have existed for 3.5 billion years and far, far outnumber us, first by taking a look at the main varieties – bacteria, protists, fungi, and viruses – then by charting the ways microbes both help us and hurt us. While 95% of microbes are harmless, and do many important jobs, like breaking down feces, eating radioactive waste, and curinge dangerous diseases, it’s that 5% that worry us, so kids will enjoy learning about how to prevent the bad guys from spreading.
A cool centerfold on “Microbe Man” delves into the ways that these microorganisms help our bodies performs their tasks, and another section covers “extremophiles,” which survive in unbelievable conditions, like “snot-tites,” which are highly acidic, sulfur-eating microbes. (For kids who love yucky facts, just say “snot-tites” and they’ll be all ears.) Kids will also have fun reading about microbe detectives through the ages, and how microbes have changed history, such as the ones that caused the Black Death in the Middle Ages. Microbes, for kids who want an insider’s view of the zillions of wiggling, microscopic creatures that sustain – and take away – life, is sure to impress.