Pueblos de la costa noroeste

Pueblos de la costa noroeste Run Slideshow

Now available in Spanish, this Title on Northwest Coats Peoples is the perfect primer for Grade 4 readers.
Learn about the Northwest Coast Peoples, who lived on the shores of the northern Pacific Coast, and how they differed significantly from other Native American groups. These tribes managed to create a sophisticated culture without farming, and because food was so plentiful in the area, they were able to devote themselves to producing material goods. Learning about the Northwest Coast Peoples in this issue is made easy with simplified explanations of their clan and kinship structure, and with attractive illustrations highlighting their intricate carvings and their woven textiles and baskets.

Ahora disponible en español, este título sobre Pueblos de la costa noroeste es el manual perfecto para lectores de cuarto grado.
Aprenda sobre los pueblos de la costa noroeste, que vivían en las costas de la costa norte del Pacífico, y cómo se diferenciaban significativamente de otros grupos de nativos americanos. Estas tribus lograron crear una cultura sofisticada sin agricultura, y debido a que la comida era tan abundante en el área, pudieron dedicarse a producir bienes materiales. Aprender acerca de los Pueblos de la Costa Noroeste en este número se facilita con explicaciones simplificadas de su clan y estructura de parentesco, y con atractivas ilustraciones que destacan sus intrincados tallados y sus tejidos y cestas.

Now available in Spanish, this Title on Northwest Coats Peoples is the perfect primer for Grade 4 readers. Learn about the Northwest Coast Peoples, who lived on the shores of the ...
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