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Renaissance and Reformation

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What’s inside:

  • The Cradle of the Renaissance
  • New Ways of Thinking and Seeing
  • Renaissance Artists
  • The Spread of Ideas
  • Standing Up for Reform
  • The Reformation Begins
  • The Reformation Takes Hold



Renaissance and Reformation

The renaissance was a new beginning, a change from the death and wars of the Middle Ages, a rebirth of art, poetry, music, and science. Don a beret and prepare to journey to Italy and beyond, where the Renaissance took hold. First, kids read about the early humanists who were inspired by Greeks and Romans, thinkers of an earlier time. At the same time, kids are introduced to key thinkers, scientists, and artists of the renaissance – Galileo, Dante, Copernicus, da Vinci, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, and more. Kids curious about how the ideas of the Renaissance spread can read about the role Johannes Gutenberg and the printing press played.

For kids studying the reformation, Kids Discover Renaissance and Reformation paints a vivid picture of events leading up to Martin Luther nailing his “Ninety-five Theses” to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. Kids who want more details about the Reformation can read about the beginnings of Lutheranism, the first type of Protestant church, and the spread of the Reformation to England, which, in 1559, officially became a Protestant nation. Visually oriented kids will enjoy diving into the colorful time lines and maps showing the Holy Roman Empire in 1550 and all the religions in Europe a mere 50 years later.

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