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Teacher Appreciation Week Set

SKU: TAW2023

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What’s inside:

  • KD2: U.S. Geography
  • KD1: Bienes y servicios
  • 7 Wonders
  • Heart


Teacher Appreciation Week Set

That was lightning fast! All 500 of our Teacher Appreciation Print Title Packs have been redeemed as of 12:48PM ET.

Thank you so much for your support! While we wish we could give away even more to show our gratitude for all that you do, we might not have any Print Titles left if we did. No matter the time of year, please know that the Kids Discover team is always in your corner.

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Normally a $20 value, we are so happy to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week by gifting this Kids Discover Print Title set. Enjoy a mix of titles from Young Readers, Kids Discover en Español, World History, and the Human Body. Each issue is 20-pages long, contains zero advertising, and is packed with beautiful photographs, illustrations, and non-fiction writing that will pique your young learners’ interest.

**Offer Available to the first 500 customers.