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U.S. Landscapes

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What’s inside:

  • The United States
  • The Eastern United States
  • The Great Lakes and the Mississippi River
  • The Interior Plains
  • The Rocky Mountains
  • The Intermountain Region
  • The Pacific Mountains and Valleys



U.S. Landscapes

What could a chickee be if it’s not a bird? What place in the United States is like a part in your hair? Where can you find water shooting high into the air from deep inside the earth? Get ready to discover the answers and more in an unforgettable journey across our nation. For kids studying physical geography, U.S. Landscapes is a photo gallery of the country’s most distinctive landforms and bodies of water. Moving from east to west, kids get an overview of the most striking features, including the rounded tops of the Appalachians; the mighty Great Lakes; the expansive plains of the Midwest and the mountains of the West, both referenced in the first verse of “America the Beautiful.”

For kids interested in details about a particular region, they can take a deep dive into the region’s most prominent features, such as “insider information” about the soil in the Interior Plains, the heat of Death Valley, the world’s most famous canyon, or the story behind a lake saltier than the ocean. Kids fascinated by record breakers will have fun collecting them on the pages of this issue – the biggest lake, the largest desert, the hottest place on Earth. It’s all here for the taking.

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