Chemistry Games and Activities

Have students try these activities to expand their knowledge and interest in Chemistry.

Chemistry Games and Activities
Nanoscience is studying nature at the smallest possible scale—atoms and molecules. Working at this small scale helps scientists understand why things happen as they do. – From the Topic Chemistry and the Future

Language Arts

Spandex is an anagram of the word expands. An anagram is a word or phrase made by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. Write the following anagrams on the board and have students work with partners to rearrange the letters to form chemistry-related terms: try chimes (chemistry), moats (atoms), mound cops (compounds), close mule (molecules), go dry hen, (hydrogen), meet Len (element).

Science and Language Arts

Gold is a soft metal that bends easily. For jewelry and other items, gold alloys are used. Have students dig for gold by finding out about uses of this precious metal and its properties. Their report should include information about karats and the percentage of gold in 14-karat, 18-karat, and 24-karat gold objects. Have students prepare a short report with visuals to present their research findings to the class.

Social Studies

The Hindenburg was a German airship that burst into flames as it was docking in New Jersey on May 6, 1937. Have students research information about the Hindenburg and its disastrous end and report their findings to the class

Science and Art

Have students build computer models of atoms and molecules. Have students choose an element, find out about its structure, and create a computer model of the element or a compound that has the element. Encourage students to label their model and write a short description of the element.

Language Arts and Art

Have students produce a Chemistry Book of Records. Have them find examples of the superlatives and firsts identified in the magazine. Encourage students to compile the information into an illustrated book of records. They might list, for example, hydrogen as the smallest atom and Marie Curie as the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the first person to receive two Nobel Prizes. Encourage students to add to the book whenever they encounter chemistry topics throughout the year.

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