Educator of the Month: Amy Siegert

What has your teaching career looked like?

I taught at Iowa-Grant Middle School for 7 years, teaching middle school writing, science, social studies for grades 7, then gifted & talented K-8. I took a break from teaching to stay home and raise our 5 children for ten years. I taught a few summer school classes at our local school and the local university for continuing education. In 2011, I became a long-term substitute where my husband has been teaching since 1998–Potosi School District. In 2012, I took a position as middle school language arts teacher and library director. Now I teach middle school language arts and social studies plus high school English for Grades 6-12 and being library director.

Where do you teach now and what grade/subject?

In Potosi School District, I am Grade 6 Reading, English, and Social Studies; Grade 8 Reading; grades 11-12 American Literature and Speech. I am also the library director overseeing the library aide, writing elementary library curriculum, and working with the district LMS on budgeting, ordering, etc.

How has Kids Discover impacted your students?

Kids Discover is an amazing resource, vibrant, visual, informative, and fun.  My students have increased their understanding of what ancient cultures look like and have used KD for researching other topics for National History Day projects, science class, health class, and more. 

What do your students think of Kids Discover?

My students are always impressed with the large, beautiful pictures and interactive features, especially the 360 panoramic view from the Great Wall of China etc. They love starting with the visual map of all topics and reading the little side features, too!

What is your favorite feature or aspect of Kids Discover?

My favorite aspect of Kids Discover is the accurate and objective information presented in such a compelling visual way.  Text is in a large font size and is not overly wordy, so it’s not overwhelming for the struggling reader.

What do you love the most about teaching?

I love learning new things every day and helping my students discover new information, too!

What are your hopes for the future of education?

I am proud to be an educator and hope that the field continues to learn and grow to meet the needs of our students.  I hope we can continue to help students discern between inaccurate and accurate information, listen to and consider different perspectives, and practice the art of respectfully discussing and disagreeing with others in an intelligent, informed way.  These students are our future, and we need them to be intelligent, informed, caring, and respectful. I believe education and family collaboration are the best ways to achieve this!