Educator of the Month: Margarett Ardman
- February 28, 2022
Kids Discover loves our teachers! We are continuing our goal to honor the amazing educators within our community with another installment of Educator of the Month. For February, I’m so happy to introduce Margarett Ardman, an 8th Grade Science Teacher from Swampscott, Massachusetts.
What has your teaching career looked like?
I did not start out as a teacher but rather a research scientist. Starting as a substitute teacher when my children were little at a private school, I taught kindergarten through 8th grade. Obtaining my teacher licenses in special education, elementary ed, and middle school science, I moved to public school teaching math/science for the last 12 years, and for the last 8 in my current school – Swampscott Middle School.
Where do you teach now and what grade/subject?
I currently teach 8th grade science at Swampscott Middle School.
How has your teaching experience changed in recent years?
With Covid things have changed a great deal. I have always loved to do work with my students on-line and struggled requesting computer time, but in the last two years the school has moved to all students having chromebooks. It was during this time that I realized I could use Kids Discover on-line to supplement my teaching.
When did you add Kids Discover to your classroom routine?
I have always ordered classroom sets of the published Kids Discover, and my students loved when they saw them coming out as they were filled with vibrant pictures and quick reads, and the occasional interesting tidbits. As I said over the last two years I have personally purchased on-line access for my students. I love the animations and the links to the standards. The quick quizzes allow me to see what my students understood from the readings. I also have several students that struggle to read and when they know they can click the speaker icon to have the articles read to them they feel empowered.
How has Kids Discover impacted your students?
The option to have the text read to the reader is wonderful as I stated above. There are always students that can get more from the text if it is read to them versus having to struggle to decode and understand. They look forward to the articles assigned and know they will not be too difficult, yet they learn a lot. Also, the option to look back at the text to find answers to the quick quizzes has been very impactful. It allows them to see the benefits of looking back at the text.
What is your favorite feature or aspect of Kids Discover?
Not sure there is one favorite feature. I love that my students can take a quick quiz and look back in the text to find the answers, and having the ability to have the text read to them is wonderful.
What do you love the most about teaching?
Seeing a student’s face light up when they have learned something new and truly understood it. Allowing them to see that they are capable, and that they have many tools to help them succeed.
What are your hopes for the future of education?
We continue to find ways to prepare students for the future, help them develop the skills they will need, and most importantly to be resilient.