Games and Activities About Hurricanes
- October 11, 2017
Have students try these activities to expand their knowledge and interest in hurricanes.
Geography, Math

Use the captions and map in Hurricane Hugo to chart its path on a large class map that has a scale. Students can begin by marking the cities and islands mentioned in the captions. After students have charted the hurricane’s path, have them use the map’s scale to determine how far the hurricane traveled.
Language Arts
Have students try their hand at writing the opening paragraph for a website about hurricanes. Students might read the introduction paragraph in What Is a Hurricane? for an example of one way to begin. Students might begin with a description of a hurricane or they might want to begin with hard facts, such as how many people were injured or killed in a specific hurricane. Remind students that there is no one right way to write the opening paragraph, but it should be interesting and involving.
Have students draw their version of the “evil spirit of the winds,” which the Taino people believed caused fierce storms. Students might look at the image in the topic What is a Hurricane? for one example. Students might also try their hand at creating a “good spirit of the wind,” which brings only sunny skies and fair weather. Display the artwork on a bulletin board so students can see the various ways people can represent the same concept.
Social Studies
Have students pretend that they are a weather forecaster who is reporting from an area that will be hit by a hurricane in the next 24 hours. Using the information in Preparing for a Hurricane, students should warn viewers of the possible damage that may happen and how they can prepare. Next, students should act as a reporter in an area that will be hit by a hurricane within the next hour. How have the reporting and warnings changed? Finally, students should “report” from an area that is picking up the pieces after a hurricane. Reporters should warn viewers about possible hazards and talk to “local people” (other students) whose homes were damaged.
Science, Language Arts
Many different kinds of clouds exist. Each one is unique looking and each signals a specific kind of weather. Cumulonimbus, for example, signal thunderstorms. Have students find out about the different kinds of clouds and draw a picture of each. Below each picture, students should write the name of the cloud, details about the cloud, such as whether it is a “high” or “low” cloud, and what kind of weather the cloud foretells.