Teaching February 2022

Even though it’s our shortest month of the year, February just seems to be jam-packed with exciting holidays. This year, there’s President’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year, and the Winter Olympics. More importantly, we also use this month to honor Black History in our country. No matter what you want to share with your students, Kids Discover has you covered with these 6 relevant Units and Topics for February.

Black History Month

February is Black History Month. Use the entire month to highlight and applaud African-Americans’ contributions to our culture and world. The list of names to know is virtually endless and extends from music to government to science. It’s a topic that genuinely deserves to be discussed all year long. This month, begin by sharing the Civil Rights Unit with your class. It addresses the movement’s beginnings, legacy, and heroes that every student should know more about. 

February 1 – Chinese New Year

On this day, Chinese culture begins a 16 day celebration and enters the Year of the Tiger. The name comes from the Chinese Zodiac, which believes that a person’s birth year affects their personality. In Celebrating the Chinese New Year, from our Ancient China Unit, students will learn more about this beautiful holiday and the traditions that come with it. If you have students who celebrate at home, invite them to share their own family’s customs with the class. 

February 2 – Grand Central Terminal Opens (1913)

Second only to Times Square, Grand Central Station is one of the most visited destinations in New York City. Each day 750,000 travelers come to either commute to work, spend time in the city, or just to take a look at the beautiful architecture. Officially opening to the public on this day, at midnight, in 1913, it shows how vital train travel still is. In our Trains Unit, your students will learn about these gateways to the cities and how the mode of transportation has changed over time. 

February 4 – Start of the Winter Olympics

Today the XXIV Winter Olympiad begins in Beijing, China. Top athletes from around the world have been training their whole lives for the opportunity to represent their home country. Where did this tradition all begin? The first Olympics started in Ancient Greece in 776 BC to honor Zeus. While they are very different then what we have today, they served as a blueprint for celebrating sports. In Forces in Sports, you and your students can also discuss the physics that keeps these top athletes moving! 

February 21 – President’s Day

On this day, we honor the 46 presidents who have served as commander in chief. Because of their February birthdays, we also give special attention to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Although their presidencies are separated by nearly 100 years, they both represent some of the greatest virtues a leader can have. Discuss with your students the impact both of these men had in history or explore their role in our Presidency Unit

February 28 – Chemical Structure of DNA Discovered (1953)

On this day in 1953, American scientist James Watson and English scientist Francis Crick showed that the structure of DNA is a double helix. This discovery led to dozens of other breakthroughs in genetics. It also opens up the field of genetic engineering. You and your class can uncover the Discovery and Study of Cells in our popular Cell Unit