Teaching February 2023

Teaching February 2023

Even though it’s our shortest month of the year, February just seems to be jam-packed with exciting holidays. This year, there’s President’s Day, Valentine’s Day, and so much more to celebrate. Most importantly, we also use this month to honor Black History in our country. No matter what you want to share with your students, Kids Discover has you covered with these 7 relevant Topics for February.

Black History Month

Although African-American perspectives should be shared all year long, our nation honors February as Black History Month. This month, we are happy to announce new Units on Muhammad Ali and Madam CJ Walker. Along with our Units on Jackie Robinson, Aretha Franklin, and Ray Charles, your students can learn about their legacies in civil rights that extend well beyond their fame. 

February 2 – World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day occurs every year on February 2nd, marking the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands in 1971. It was established to raise awareness about the value of wetlands for humanity and the planet. First celebrated in 1997, it has grown since then. Most kids don’t know what wetlands are, but after reading our Wetlands Unit they’ll understand how pivotal wetlands are in regulating Earth’s climate and to the survival of many endangered species.

February 10 – French and Indian War Ends (1763)

After seven years of conflict, the French and Indian War came to an end on this day in 1763. Although the Paris of Treaty was signed until months later, Britain was deemed the victor. France lost nearly all of their claims in North America. In one our newest Units, the French and Indian War, your students will learn seeds of conflict, and effects that ultimately lead to the Revolutionary War.  

Teaching February 2023, Lesson Plans, Classroom Resources, Social Studies, Kids Discover

February 14 – Valentine’s Day

Chances are, your students are already brimming with excitement for this holiday. Sure it means a lot of candy, but do they know the facts behind it? Our Hearts Unit will give them an opportunity to learn more about the organ and why it represents love. Before your class exchanges cards, our Valentine’s Day Topic will share the history of the holiday and how it’s changed over the years.

Teaching February 2023, Lesson Plans, Classroom Resources, Social Studies, Kids Discover

February 18 – Mark Twain Published Huckleberry Finn (1885)

To quote Ernest Hemingway, “All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn.” Even though it was thought controversial since its publication in 1885, it is still considered one of Twain’s best known works. To learn more about the life of this prolific writer, your students will love reading from our Mark Twain Unit

February 20 – Presidents Day

On this day, we honor the 46 presidents who have served as commander in chief. Because of their February birthdays, we also give special attention to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Although their presidencies are separated by nearly 100 years, they represent some of the greatest virtues a leader can have. Discuss with your students the impact both of these men had in history or explore their role in our Presidency Unit

Teaching February 2023, Lesson Plans, Classroom Resources, Social Studies, Kids Discover

February 25 – Muhammad Ali Wins 1st World Title (1964)

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. In 1964, Muhammad Ali won his first World Boxing Title against Sonny Liston. Outside of the ring, Ali was also known as an activist and man of principle. In our new Muhammamad Ali Unit, your students will learn about his beginnings in Louisville, Kentucky and his journey to becoming “The Greatest.”

Teaching February 2023 Kids Discover