Teaching January
- January 2, 2020
Check out these resources for the most relevant and timely topics for teaching January. Have a great month, and as always, get in touch with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for daily free topics and teaching resources.
January 4 – World Braille Day
World Braille Day is celebrated every year on January 4 because it is Louis Braille’s birthday, the inventor of braille! Blind people can read this language with their fingertips. Skin and the Sense of Touch goes into more detail on this. Our Topic Eye Defects shows various ways braille is used everyday. Or, use our Unit on Language to help kids investigate theories about how humans learned to communicate!
January 5 – National Bird Day
On National Bird Day, kids will get the facts on feathers, eggs, and nests in our Unit on Birds. Did you know many birders can identify dozens of birds at a glance? With our Topic on Bird Watching, students can learn the skills necessary to identify certain species. (Find our Print Title on Birds here.)
January 7 – The First U.S. Presidential Election was Held (1789)
The first presidential election under a brand new constitution came to a close 228 years ago with the unanimous decision to elect George Washington as our first president. In our new Unit American Government, students learn about the modern process of Getting Elected. (Find our new Print Title on American Government here.)
January 11 – Amelia Earhart Completes Solo Flight Across Pacific Ocean (1935)
Amelia Earhart was the first woman to make the journey across the Atlantic, but there was a lot that led up to that iconic flight. Learn about the Timeline of Aviation and The Mechanics of Flight in our Unit on the Wright Brothers. (Find our Print Title on the Wright Brothers here.)
January 15 – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday (1929-1968)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. preached love and believed nonviolent protest was the only way towards equality and justice for black Americans. Prepare for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which is Monday January 20 this year, by reading our Unit about his life and legacy. (Find our Print Title on Martin Luther King Jr. here.)
January 17 – Benjamin Franklin’s Birthday (1706-1790)
Best known for his tests with a kite, a key, and a lightning bolt, Franklin is often called our oldest and wisest founding father. Celebrate the life of this influential jack-of-all-trades by diving into our Unit on Ben Franklin. (Find our Print Title on Ben Franklin here.)
January 23 – John Hancock’s Birthday (1736-1793)
John Hancock had a big impact on the Unites States in the 18th century. The American merchant was a statesman, but more recognizably, a Patriot of the American Revolution. He played a big role when America declared independence and the fight for freedom. Then, was active with the Constitution, and the Constitutional Convention. (Find our Print Title on The Constitution here.)
January 25 – The Chinese New Year
The Chinese calendar is rich in festivals that date back to ancient China. Festivals are times for families to share food and fun–and their New Year is no exception. Chinese New Year Festival is the most important festival. It takes place at the end of January or the beginning of February and lasts for 15 days! (Find our Print Title on Ancient China here.)
January 31 – Jackie Robinson’s Birthday (1919-1972)
Jackie Robinson had three older brothers and one older sister. This 1925 photo shows Mack, Jackie, Edgar, Willa Mae, Frank, and their mother, Mallie (seated). Learn about his life in our Unit on Jackie Robinson and his childhood in our Topic Young Jackie. (Find our Print Title about Robinson here.)