Teaching November

This November, mark your calendars with these historical anniversaries and national holidays! Prepare your students for Election day, teach them about America During Lincoln’s Time, and help them learn about JFK’s legacy with our timely topics. And as always, you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter for daily updates on new units and #FreeTopics. Have a great month!


November – Native American Heritage Month

hunters and warriorsTeach kids about the Hunters and Warriors of the Plains tribes during Native American Heritage Month with our topic Hunters and Warriors. For more information, they can check out our units on Northwest Coast PeoplesPlains IndiansAmerica 1492, or Native America.


King Tut’s Tomb was discovered on November 4th, 1922

TutankhamenLearn about the Egyptian leader with our topic Tutankhamen. Kids will be surprised to learn that he came to the throne when he was just nine years old!


November 8th – Election Day

getting electedElecting our leaders is at the core of American democracy. Let students read about Getting Elected to prepare for this important day.


November 11th – Veteran’s Day

Our National IdentityOur flag, with its 50 stars and 13 stripes, helps tell the story of our nation’s history. Learn about other American symbols and traditions and pay tribute to our Veterans by having students study our topic Our National Identity.

November 14th – Apollo 12 Launched to Moon, 1969

apollo 11Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 launched to the moon in 1969. Learn about these missions and more in our topic From the Earth to the Moon… and Back.

November 15th – America Recycles Day

america recyclesNovember 15th is America Recycles Day! Teach kids about Landfills and Recycling, so they know what happens every time they toss something in the trash.


November 19th – Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address, 1863

America During Lincoln's timeAbraham Lincoln grew up in a fast-changing America. When Abe was born in 1809, over 90 percent of the population worked on the land. On November 19th, 1963, he gave the Gettysburg Address. Teach kids about America During Lincoln’s Time.


November 21st – World Television Day

Radio and TelevisionFrom 1895 through 1929, communications took a giant step forward. Two inventions made that great leap possible: first radio and then television. Celebrate World Television Day with our topic Radio and Television.


November 22nd – John F. Kennedy was assassinated, 1963

JFK_11_700JFK was elected the 35th president of the United States and the first Catholic elected to the presidency. On November 22, 1963, he was assassinated. Let kids learn about his legacy with our free Unit on John F. Kennedy.


November 24th – Happy Thanksgiving! 

8-Great-Ways-to-be-Thankful-KIDS-DISCOVERThanksgiving is the time of year when we express our gratitude for all the things we have. Check out this printable infographic for eight great ways to show how thankful you are, perfect for kids of all ages!

(Featured Image by Jane Rix/Shutterstock)