Teaching October 2022

Welcome to October! While the stores are full of Halloween (and yes, even Winter Holiday) decorations, we know this month is so much more than All Hallows Eve. While you are lesson planning and thinking of interesting topics for your students, mark your calendar for some of these important dates. Have a great October!

Blindness Awareness Month

Around the world, there are over 285 million individuals with a visual impairment. Because October is Blindness Awareness Month, it’s also the perfect opportunity to teach your students about how their eyes work, develop, and how to protect them. Our Eyes Unit offers all of these Topics and more!

October 5 – The Beatles Release Their First Single (1962)

Exactly 60 years ago, four men from Liverpool, England, released their first single and began a journey to stardom. We lovingly know them as The Beatles, and their impact on music is still felt today. Your students may not be familiar with them, so have some fun introducing them to one of the most successful musicians in history. Our Pop Culture Topic, from Mid-20th Century in the U.S., discusses how media grew and developed during this exciting time in American history. 

October 10 – Indigenous People’s Day

On this holiday, we honor all Native American peoples around the country. This is an opportunity to introduce new cultures to your classroom through our Native America Unit. We also offer specific Units by region, including the Plains Indians, Northwest Coast Peoples, and Southwest Peoples   

October 13 – Panama Canal Connects Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (1913)

To celebrate this day in history, we couldn’t help but give you a little hint on new Units to come! In our upcoming Panama Canal Unit, your students will learn about the enormity of this project and why it was so necessary for trade, job creation, and transportation. In the meantime, World Leader from our Teddy Roosevelt Unit shares what it took to negotiate this endeavor and why it was one of President Roosevelt’s most outstanding achievements. 

October 15 – Global Handwashing Day

Students can never be reminded too many times on the importance of handwashing. If they need further motivation, there are plenty of critical topics in our Germs Unit. Your class will learn that germs are everywhere, how they spread, and what our bodies do to keep us healthy!

October 20 – Sydney Opera House Opens (1973)

Considered a masterpiece of 20th-century architecture, the Sydney Opera House may be one of the most iconic landmarks in Australia. The sail-like design makes it seem right at home in Sydney Harbor. Take a virtual tour of the Land Down Under with your students by exploring our Australia and Pacific Islands Unit. From The Outback to Treasures of the Deep, your class will daydream about life in this incredible country.

October 28 – National Immigrants Day

The United States is a nation of immigrants and it’s important to celebrate our differences! On this day in 1886, the Statue of Liberty was officially dedicated, serving as a welcoming beacon to those coming to America through Ellis Island. We offer three different Units that highlight the beginning of this American experience: Ellis Island, Immigration, and the Statue of Liberty. Use this time to have your students explore their own genealogy and discover where their family originally came from. 

October 31 – Halloween

Don’t let this candy-fueled holiday get away from you and your students. After the celebration, have students read through some of our spookiest Units. Bones, Spiders, and Mummies, oh my! Don’t worry, these Units have no trick and are all treat!