Teaching October
- October 1, 2015
- By Elisabeth Morgan
It’s October! Fall is official, leaves are leaving their branches, and costumes are cropping up all over the place. Below is a collection of upcoming dates and holidays to keep in mind as you lesson-plan for the month, along with some immersive Kids Discover resources to go along with them.
All of October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month — a time to learn about how to prevent breast cancer and support those who have it. With our units on the human body, kids can learn the basics about how we function, and why our bodies don’t always work the way we want them to. Units to explore include Cells, Blood, Brain, Lungs, the Heart, and more.
October 1st: National Day in China celebrates the foundation of the the People’s Republic of China, which was formed in 1949. Chinese children will celebrate Golden Week with seven days of travel, celebration, and time with family. Spend time reading and learning about Ancient China, or take a virtual tour of the Great Wall of China.
October 12th: Columbus Day is when we get a break from work and school and remember that Christopher Columbus first explored the Americas in 1492 . But did you know that some people celebrate Indigenous People’s Day instead? They take time to remember the accomplishments of the Native Americans who lived in America before Columbus and the Europeans arrived— groups like the Plains Indians, Southwest Coast Peoples, and Northwest Coast Peoples.
October 16th: World Food Day! The goal of this day is to raise awareness about world hunger, brainstorm solutions, and take action through charities and local food banks. Check out www.worldfooddayusa.org for more details. This is also a great week to explore Nutrition, Plants, and Energy, and figure out how they’re all connected.
October 27th: What a spooky evening… it’s almost Halloween and there’s a full moon! But what makes it full? And why does it make werewolves howl? Now’s a good time to read up on Earth’s Moon — and learn about the folklore and legends that we’ve created to understand our beautiful satellite.
October 31st: Halloween! Sick from too much candy? Take a break for some serious reading… about Bones or Spiders. They’re actually not that scary when you get to know them!