Cross-Curricular Activities About Washington D.C.

Have students try these activities to expand their knowledge and interest in Washington, D.C.

Screen Shot 2016-06-23 at 3.14.17 PMMath, Geography

Have students locate Washington, D.C., on a map. Then have them use the map key to figure out the distance in miles, as the crow flies, from their town to Washington, D.C. Then they can determine the distance from Washington, D.C., to various major U.S. or world cities, state capitals, or the capitals of other countries.


Several presidents are mentioned in this issue. Challenge students to search through the unit to find as many presidents’ names as they can. Have students keep their own lists or write the class list on the board. Next, challenge students to put the names of these presidents in order of when they served, and add any other presidents they know to the list. Then students should check their lists for accuracy, and add any presidents they missed. Have students work in groups and come up with a song, poem, or other mnemonic device to help them memorize the names of a certain number of presidents (5, 10, or 20) in the order in which they served.


A map in Washington, D.C., at a Glance shows the pattern of streets in Washington, D.C. Have students draw a map of their neighborhood, the main downtown area, or the area surrounding the school. Maps should include major buildings, street names, and land- marks. As an alternative, students can make a map of the school or classroom. Remind students to title the map and include a key.

Art, History

Have students imagine that the class has been selected to design a Civil War memorial.
First, have students research some general facts about the Civil War: that it was fought between the northern and southern states and that it was fought mainly over the issue of slavery. Then each student can draw or make a clay model of his or her design, and write a brief explanation of why they chose the design.

Language Arts, History

If possible, have students listen to a recording of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, “I Have a Dream” speech. (Several Internet sites have the audio versions of the speech, or check your library’s resources.) Then have students discuss why the speech is so memorable and their reactions to the speech. Have students write their own “I Have a Dream” speeches, which include their own dreams for their country. Ask for volunteers to read their speeches aloud.

Science, Art

Have students work in groups to design an insect zoo that will become part of the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. Students should choose which insects to include, how they would keep them, and what they might eat. Students can make a drawing of their zoo.


Washington D.C. Games and Activities | Kids Discover