5 Reminders for the New School Year

School Year, Teacher Tips, Classroom, Kids Discover

Hello to all of you wonderful educators and parents!

Since many schools celebrate their first day back this week, and in the weeks to follow, the Kids Discover team wants to wish you all the happiest school year! As classes begin to start up, here are five quick reminders for the 2020 school year…

  • You got this! Say this to yourself again and again, and as often as you need to hear it! You are great at what you do and will do anything for your students. We know that you’ll make this the best school year possible!
  • You may make mistakes! And that’s okay! The weight of the world feels like it’s on your shoulders, more so than most years. Give yourself some slack, and grow from your slips. Don’t forget to celebrate your achievements and successes!
  • This isn’t forever! You may be maneuvering around an unfamiliar teaching landscape. Kids are in masks, not in school, and it’s easy to feel like the joy is gone from your classroom. Trust that it’s all temporary. Do what you do best and continue to shower your kids with love, even if it’s virtual or contactless.
  • Kids are amazing! They are so flexible and resilient. No matter how this school year shapes out, kids will still learn from you. More importantly, even if they never show it, they recognize (and will remember) how hard you work for them.
  • Kids Discover has your back! We are more than happy to take something off of your plate. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be offering webinars, more lesson plans, and teaching ideas to make a real impact in your classroom. We are always open to new thoughts and ideas. Feel free to reach out to us!

The world of education is so many things… inspiring, rewarding, and yes, sometimes stressful. This school year is definitely going to be one for the history books, but we know you and your students will hit it out of the park!

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