Supporting Our Community

Hello to all educators and parents.

Whether it’s in the classroom or at home, I want to be the first to welcome you to the start of a new school year. My name is Katie Kennedy and I’m one of the newest faces here at Kids Discover. While my title is officially Community Manager, I believe my job description is to be in your corner and help you make the most of Kids Discover, however you need. I know this school year is going to be so different than anything we’ve ever experienced, but I will be with you every step of the way. 

Katie Kennedy, Kids Discover, Educator CommunityJust so you can get to know me… I’ve lived and breathed the full teaching experience. After graduating from Florida State University with my Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education, I started my career, seven years ago, as a Title I Reading Teacher, working with some of the most at-risk K-5 students. From there, I’ve taught 3rd and 4th grade, and earned my Master’s in Reading Education from the University of South Florida, concentrating on cross-curricular strategies. More importantly, I know what it’s like to stay at school long after everyone’s gone, to constantly worry about the welfare of your students, and how much teachers are expected to juggle. Leaving the classroom was a very tough decision, but I made that choice for Kids Discover because I want to help make this a platform that truly understands the needs of an educator. 

So, what can you expect from me? The main goal is to be constantly listening to your input, as it very well may change throughout the year. We also have new initiatives to help lessen the load in your day-to-day.

  • Refocusing our blog: Our first order of business is to revamp the blog and post more consistently. It will be where we share new activities and lesson plan ideas for you to use in your own classroom and at home. Since we view this space as a community, you can look forward to learning more about the Kids Discover team and hearing stories from your fellow teachers. 
  • One-on-one Support: The teaching world is such a collaborative one. I’ve loved being able to bounce ideas off of my co-workers and pick up new strategies along the way. Through Zoom calls and Google Hangouts, you can expect personal attention from me to help make Kids Discover a perfect fit for you.
  • More Webinars: Because Kids Discover has so much to offer, we will be offering virtual professional development to guide you through lesson planning and implementation. This can be specifically tailored to whether you’re in the classroom, teaching remotely, or a parent home-schooling for the first time.
  • More Activities: I would love to be able to take something off of your plate. So, we will be developing more activities that directly match our Kids Discover Online content to help support your student’s learning. 

I am so excited, and honored, to start this journey with you. Although we are entering a new frontier in education, we at Kids Discover will be with you each step of the way. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out.

Be sure to check our blog for new posts from our amazing community every week!

Kids Discover Online

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